This set of materials will be interesting to those who use the services of agencies, as well as those who have decided to find family on their own and prepare a package of documents for participation in the program. For each link there is a detailed article with relevant information and examples of documents.
1. First, let’s to get familiar with the program Au-Pair to check whether you qualify the requirements of the program
2. Join one of the Internet portals and search for family
3.The correspondence with potential family or call by Skype
4. Waiting for the contract and an invitation from the host family. Sending can be done in several ways
5. Document preparation and submission them for a visa to the German Embassy and the passage of the interview at the embassy (113 questions / answers in the embassy)
6. Awaiting for a visa from the department of Immigration and the call from the Embassy
7. Visa is ready. Remain formalities
8. Booking (plane, bus, train). Gifts to a host family
9. At your arrival:registration at the place of residence and registration for a permit to stay in the department of Immigration (60 Euro for 1 year – usually paid by family)